Your Home of Mindful Movement
"The teachers are very warm and welcoming. The movement feels so good in my bones and my body improves every session!"
- Miai, Emerald
TEMPLE Wellness and Yoga
Our Philosophy: Where Movement Meets Mindfulness
TEMPLE Wellness and Yoga is your sanctuary in the middle of Central Queensland. The studio is a shared space open to all who wish to come and dive deeper into themselves. There is a weekly timetable of yoga and pilates classes covering a range of practices to suit every body. In addition to this, there are monthly wellness workshops designed to support you on your unique journey to wholeness.
To make sure you feel your absolute best about the progress of your practice, each moth will have a focus pose which will be incorporated into every teachers' class. So if you've tried yoga and pilates before but found it difficult to feel progress, this way you will be able to observe yourself move from beginner to intermediate to advanced when practising frequently.
"Through the repetition of practise we become more comfortable
with not knowing and we shift from clinging to the known to
embracing the mystery of self and of life." - Eckhart Yoga​​​

The Path To Wholeness
Explore the connection between your mind, body and spirit as you cultivate a movement practice designed to nourish your body and soul. You will be guided through each flow with expertise to connect you to your breath and cultivate a sene of mindfulness you can take with you into the day. If you are new or looking to refine your practice, try one of our Foundations classes.
Dive deeper into your movement practice, cultivating strength and vitality with each class. Pilates is specifically designed to develop your core and pelvic floor strength while providing you with a whole body workout. You will connect to your breath, move intentionally learning how to activate muscle groups correctly all while safe guided by expert teachers. If you are a beginner or have been away for a while, try one of our Foundations classes.
Wellness Workshops
Dive deeper into your self-development with wellness workshops at TEMPLE. Each month you will have the opportunity to nourish yourself through a variety of different healing modalities. Think sound healing journeys, meditation and breath work, ice baths, cocoa ceremonies, women's circles and so much more.

- Joel Kramer
'Yoga is the dance between control and surrender - between pushing and letting go - and when to push and when to let go become part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being.'
"We are compassionate towards ourselves simply because we're flawed human beings intrinsically worthy of care. We don't need to succeed or be special and above average. We only need to warmly embrace the confused, struggling, works-in-progress that we are."
Kristen Neff